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Menopause Consultation

“I’ve struggled to achieve results since being plunged into a medical menopause 4 years ago, but that’s not holding me back now, I needed the right program designed just for me which is delivering results. Totally motivated for my final month and prepared for the future beyond this to keep going, nothings going to stop me now!”

“I’ve lost weight and inches. I can definitely tell in my physical appearance. I’m absolutely buzzing. Not only that, when I hit menopause I had really dry skin to my forehead, cheeks, and chin which has almost disappeared. I had medication for my stomach ie: indigestion/reflux and I haven’t had to take them since starting this programme!”

“I’m really feeling so much better and more confident. My clothes feel better and yoga is so much easier. I’ve got more energy to do things. Overall under 200lbs for the first time in forever and broken the 2 stone mark.”