Hot Flashes SOLVED
Vasomotor symptoms (Hot flashes and night sweats) are a very common symptom experienced during menopause with over 80% of women reporting these
Declining estrogen levels result in these symptoms
Research now also shows that our pituitary, thyroid hormones and our adrenal (stress) hormones get knocked off balance during menopause also adding to a dysregulation of temperature in women
If you are struggling with hot flashes/night sweats try the below
1 – Reduce intake of refined sugars
2 – Consuming enough Vit E (15mg) and Omega 3 (430 mg)
3 – Consume an anti inflammatory diet
4 – Consume at min 25g fiber a day
5 – Reduce Cortisol levels at night ( Ensure you have a good wind down routine in the evening)
6 – Try Swapping evening protein source from animal to plant based
7 – Drink more water
8 – Consume a vit D supplement daily
9 – Utilize HRT
*Note we don’t personally prescribe HRT to our clients and the above results in hot flash reduction in around 5-8 weeks when done consistently*

Vitamin E Foods
These are found in plant-based oils, nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables.
Simply adding a tablespoon of safflower to your salad dressing for example or having a handful of almonds as a snack are easy ways to add vitamin E to your diet
Omega 3 foods
These are found in oily fish, Nuts and seeds (such as flaxseed, chia seeds, and walnuts) and again Plant oils (such as flaxseed oil, soybean oil, and canola oil)

Anti Inflammatory foods
Try to fill 80% of your plate with plants. Increase consumption of fruit and vegetables (try to eat up to 3-5 servings daily).
Choose fermented dairy products, like yoghurt. Eat organic animal products if you can. Fish/poultry over red meat
Eat nuts, seeds, legumes and grains daily. Have 20-30mls of Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) daily.