Brain Fog and Joint Pain

How this client totally eliminated her joint pain and Brain fog in 14 weeks

Laura Lambe, Menopause Practitioner and Founder of Menopause Mastery

Denise is a post menopausal client and went into an earlier menopause due to a hysterectomy 

With surgical menopause journeys it’s not uncommon unfortunately to experience heightened menopause symptoms compared to women who had a natural menopause due to the fact you “miss” perimenopause and go straight into menopause overnight 

Its a large shock to the body and drastically reduces the window of our bodies slowing down sex hormone production 

Like most surgical menopause clients Denise came to use with a long list of symptoms and sadly been given zero support post surgery (again – that’s sadly common) 

Joint Pain and Brain Fog were the two most troublesome symptoms 

Both tie back to inflammation changes 

We have estrogen receptors in our bones and cartilage meaning both are impacted as we go through menopause. Furthermore as we lose protection from our anti inflammatory hormone estrogen, inflammation increases causing joint pain/joint stiffness

This is categorised under Musculoskeletal Syndrome of menopause 

Now with ALL women our concern is not just PRESENT joint pain (which is mainly because of higher inflammation) but also future BONE HEALTH (the loss of estrogen in our bones and cartilage)

When women go into an earlier menopause this because a bigger concern because they are spending longer without estrogen keeping bones strong 

ALL WOMEN lose bone density at the QUICKEST rate they will ever experience in their entire lifetime in their early 40s so we need to try and hold on to as much bone density as possible in these years 

So with Denise we implemented an anti inflammatory diet straight away to help with the present joint pain 

Alongside this we focused on strengthening her BONE HEALTH

  • Getting enough Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin D and Protein
  • Introducing effective resistance training 
  • Sounds simple but drinking enough water 
  • Introducing more mobility/stretching in her exercise approach

We tracked her joint pain on a weekly basis, tweaking her nutrition based on improvements each week. After 10 weeks of an anti inflammatory protocol Denise reported ZERO joint pain! 

We continue to work on BONE HEALTH for her future self and educating her how to continue to do this on her own

Brain Fog

As mentioned this is inflammation related to but because of what inflammation does to our GUT HEALTH 

When women go through menopause they typically lose 30% of Brain Energy 

When a woman has poor gut health her gut requires more energy from her body to help with digestion; our brain is one source it drags energy from to help with digestion 

So with BRAIN FOG the first place we look is GUT HEALTH

Denise came to us with regular bloating and irregular bowel movements. We straight away implemented our gut health tracker with her so we could learn about her gut in a lot more detail so we could start correcting it

Tomorrow we are doing a deep dive into GUT HEALTH so you will see first hand how we correct clients like Denise’s gut in a matter of weeks

We are doing a deep dive into the most common menopause symptoms every day for a week HERE – Join entirely for free and get a FULL plan for our menopausal symptoms 

Joint pain, high cortisol, Brain Fog, Vaginal Drynes, Bloating, Weight Gain and MORE….

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